Friday, February 10, 2012

Winter ride to the river

After a week of hard frost -10C (or 14F in old money) and heavy snow, the Wheelers didn't want to tackle the icy slopes of the high ground. Instead the ride got routed through to Arlingham which is a flat and low journey down to the river. The remaining snow was melting fast. At Frocester we saw several buzzards in the trees overhanging the road. They weren't bothered by cyclists at all. Near Eastington we saw a group of donkeys in a snowy field with people passing them carrots over the fence.
At Rasher Farm there was a herd of llamas.
From 2012-02-05

The snow from the day before had a victim in a ditch. A blue car had mysteriously gone badly out of control on a flat and straight section of road and got wedged into the ditch. This is a new meaning for "Car Down".
From 2012-02-05

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