Thursday, June 24, 2010

Robens Jibs

Robens Jibs look nice. And if you balance them up correctly like in this video you can spin your video camera around smoother than a hot buttered bannister. Link to Jib Video I know you all want one now, but oh dear, there isn't any address on their website. In fact there isn't any way of contacting this company at all except for one email address that you'll have trouble finding on Robens AV website
But never fear! Google Streetview to the rescue. It turns out that the demo video was shot at the same mill site as the dodgy Studio and Stage.

View Larger Map
So head on to Holmefield and make sure that any deal you do is in writing and not over the phone. I wouldn't want you to lose out to dodgy traders. Tell Richard that I sent you.


Unknown said...

As you hide behind internet anonymity it is hard to take you to task over this post.
It is partly accurate but in the main verging on defamation.

1 Robens Jibs did use Studio and Stage as a reseller up to September 2010.and yes some images were sourced from them.

2 Lack of contact info etc on the site is simply down to it NOT BEING FINISHED and is not suspicious in any way.

PeterKVT80 said...

Dear "admin". Sorry about the anonymity. Many people have found that it is an expensive mistake to be associated with Richard Joss. If you want to look less like RJ my advice would be not to use Studio and Stage photos and videos, finish construction of your website and finally, don't use the same pseudo-legal bluster that Mr Joss liked to use. Otherwise you might give people the wrong idea. A 404 always gives a bad impression.