Friday, March 5, 2010

Wanchai Ferry

What does Wanchai Ferry remind you of? A short, cheap and very scenic view of Hong Kong day or night. Or something hot, windy and smells of diesel? Which brings me to the new range of Chinese food kits from General Mills. I wouldn't normally buy that sort of stuff but I had a couple of promotional coupons so I thought I'd give it a go. Wanchai Ferry Xiang Gu Chicken looked good on the box. The packaging is great, the website is interesting. It all went well until it came time to add the black bean sauce. I don't know what they did to it but the whiff of vinegar and something unpleasant ruined the recipe. Then the noodles were inferior quality just to make it worse.

If you try this kit then sniff the contents of the packet before you pour it on your food. You may prefer to pour it in the bin. Have a bottle of Sharwood's Black Bean sauce on hand to use instead. And a pack of their medium egg noodles too!

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