Monday, February 16, 2009

Things in trees

While my leg is OK for walking it isn't going to be any use for cycling for a couple of weeks. Walking to work you see things that you can't on a bicycle. Especially when you are heading down a 1 in 8 hill trying to avoid the demon black BMW VU03 UBV pulling out in front of you at the school.
From 2009_02_17Rodborough

First thing that caught my eye was a flag. Why would you put a new flagpole right next to a tree? Rodborough Primary obviously had problems putting it anywhere else. A sad flag that is permanently tangled in the tree.
From 2009_02_17Rodborough

Further down the road a cotswold stone wall had collapsed in the big thaw after all the snow. And a little further down the hill on a slender branch a Squirrel with whole slice of bread was having breakfast. The squirrel got scared and skipped across a few branches but half of the slice tore off and fell into the deep cutting of the former railway.

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