The Tea Party movement is all across the USA and people like Jeff Korson (GA) are in local media spreading the word. Although he is a small fish in a big pond, Jeff is a good indicator of how the Tea Party works.
Y'all watch out for them pitchforks! Main Street, Tifton, From blogpics |
Jeff's latest opinion piece
which you can find here is all about how the Tea Party is being threatened with physical violence. Watch out, because the Democrats are coming with their pitchforks, batons and guns! However, if you look at his actual evidence, the first video that he presents is a Democrat senator talking about fighting for fair taxes for the middle classes. Jeff, when she talks about fighting, she doesn't mean actual pitchforks and battles. It's a METAPHOR. Did you really think that the middle classes will borrow pitchforks from their gardeners and drive down in their SUVs to riot in Main Street?
While Jeff is at liberty to say almost anything that he likes due to the First Amendment, he should be challenged when it comes to false scaremongering like this. And if his fellow Americans won't point it out then I will. As Jeffk says "I pray this warning is way off base and We All have a Happy New Year.". I'm sure his prayer will be answered.
Update 04/01/2011. The Tifton Gazette published my reply in the Opinion section.
Link Here Hopefully JeffK will be seething at foreign interference with the affairs of the USA. Which is pretty much how the Boston Tea Party started.