Tuesday, December 28, 2010

When Contextual Advertising Goes Bad

Going into the Jeff Korson archive revealed some gems. What was on JeffK's mind on 4 June 2009? According to his blog
The Ten Commandments were given to the Jews by Mosses
Another gem reveals that one of these commandments is
Thou shalt not steel
Oh wise 133t JeffK, can we still iron? This is a good reason why you shouldn't entrust small soft plants that like damp conditions with God's message.
Anyway, back to the point. Looking through the "Tifton Gazette" revealed another victim of gun crime. No big deal, just another of the annual 30,000 casualties that makes the USA lead the whole world where it comes to gun deaths. But maybe they should choose their advertising more carefully:
From screengrab

Monday, December 27, 2010

Violence on the Streets

The Tea Party movement is all across the USA and people like Jeff Korson (GA) are in local media spreading the word. Although he is a small fish in a big pond, Jeff is a good indicator of how the Tea Party works.

Y'all watch out for them pitchforks! Main Street, Tifton, From blogpics

Jeff's latest opinion piece which you can find here is all about how the Tea Party is being threatened with physical violence. Watch out, because the Democrats are coming with their pitchforks, batons and guns! However, if you look at his actual evidence, the first video that he presents is a Democrat senator talking about fighting for fair taxes for the middle classes. Jeff, when she talks about fighting, she doesn't mean actual pitchforks and battles. It's a METAPHOR. Did you really think that the middle classes will borrow pitchforks from their gardeners and drive down in their SUVs to riot in Main Street?

While Jeff is at liberty to say almost anything that he likes due to the First Amendment, he should be challenged when it comes to false scaremongering like this. And if his fellow Americans won't point it out then I will. As Jeffk says "I pray this warning is way off base and We All have a Happy New Year.". I'm sure his prayer will be answered.

Update 04/01/2011. The Tifton Gazette published my reply in the Opinion section.
Link Here Hopefully JeffK will be seething at foreign interference with the affairs of the USA. Which is pretty much how the Boston Tea Party started.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Santander BS

What does BS stand for? Bad Scripting?

If you want to see the terms and conditions at Santander you go to this page and click on "Key Features, Interest Rates and Tariff of Charges". Then you end up downloading a file called StaticBS that you can't open. At this point most people would be stuck.

But having read this blog you'd know that all you have to do is go to your download folder, right click on StaticBS and rename the file adding ".pdf" to the end. Then it will open.

Some people go to great lengths to stop casual access to their terms and conditions. [UPDATE] It is now fixed

Friday, December 3, 2010

Wikileaks DNS

Wikileaks is difficult to get to right now. Not that I want to get there. Enough relevant information has been broadcast by the BBC and El Pais to meet my needs. Stopping Wikileaks now seems a bit futile and attacking it by all sorts of methods is just being a bad loser.

In case you really wanted to read Wikileaks for yourself the bare IP address is not difficult to find but here it is anyway.

I think that this is the official address of Wikileaks Wikileaks

And here are some other links just in case. Wikileaks Wikileaks Cablegate Cablegate.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Investing in Wind

A few years back I put my savings into the Stroud and Swindon Building Society. It gave a good return. The Stroud branch was a dusty and shabby relic from the 1970s. The good times didn't last and while the boss got a £334,550 pay-off I ended up with half a percent interest.

Now the building is being refurbished for Ecotricity and giving it a much needed makeover. It is beginning to look very fine.

In case you don't know, Ecotricity are responsible for many of the wind turbines going up around the country. Now certain people around here hate wind turbines because it will mess up their panoramic photographs they sell as Giclée prints. They would cite people like Prof. Robert Carter to support their claim that global warming is not caused by humans. However, many of his assertions can be shown not to match the evidence. Besides that there is the fact that even if we can continue to burn fossil fuels without guilt, these fuels are going to run out. We are already importing coal and relying on Russia for our gas and this is a poor state of affairs.
So here is your chance to help make more wind turbines. Ecotricity have four year Eco Bonds that pay a very generous annual 7%. How do they do this? Where is the catch? I have no idea, it is a matter to discuss with your financial advisor. The money invested goes into financing development of more green energy. The return is about double the Stroud and Swindon's best rate. This is only open until December 10 so you have to hurry.
I have the feeling that some of my money will return to the same building. I hope this time Dale will look after my money a bit better than the Stroud and Swindon.